Friday, April 19, 2013


How tall are you without shoes?

Do you own a gun?
No and probably never will

If you would have a mental illness what would it be?

How many letters does the last name of your crush have?

Do you like hot dogs?
Not in particular

What is your favourite song?
Don't have one atm but f.ex. Santa Cruz - Relentless Renegades, Rammstein - Mein Land

What do you prefer to drink first thing in the morning?
- Soda, then Coffee

Do you do push ups?
- Very occasionally

Are you in a relationship?
- Yes

Do you like the rain?
- Yes

Do you have ADHD?
- No

Three things you are thinking about?
- I should be sleeping already, whether I ought to go and get that jacket tomorrow or not, and that I haven't listened to Bleak for so long (dunno where that came from!) 

Three things you bought today?
- Food, cigarettes

Name five drinks you consume the most?
- Soda, coffee, beer, pepsimax, red wine

What time did you wake up today?
- The first time at 10:45 a.m.

What worries you atm?
- Money, future

Favourite place?
- Home/a Bar

Least favourite place?
- Hospitals and depends on my mood

Where would you like to go?
- Anywhere. Helsinki. Los Angeles. A Bar.

Do you own sandals?
- One pair, don't use them very often 

Last thing you always do before going to sleep?
- Turn off tv and lights, take my meds

Do you burn or tan?
- Burn

Yellow or blue?
- Ugh.. Blue I guess

When was the last time your phone rang?
- Maybe one hour ago 

What were you afraid when you were little?
- Darkness, wasps, clowns.. No change there..

What do you have in your pocket right now?
- A lighter

The last thing you laughed at?
- Can't remember...?? That's sad.. o_o

How many tvs does your apartment have?
- Two

Who's the loudest of your friends?
- Jussi, Viki

The most quiet?
- ? 

What did you do at midnight?
- Watched tv with our cat 

What was your first thought when you woke up?
- I don't wanna get up yet 

Do you have a bandaid atm?
- No

Do you have a ring in your hand?
- Yesss

How many jeans do you have?
- I dunno?? A couple?

Are you limber?
- Not anymore

Look behind you. What's the first thing you see?
- Mötley crüe picture and a wall

Are you delusional?
- No

Which animal did you see last?
- A cat, obviously
When was the last time you got mad?
- 1,5 weeks ago at work...... Gees some people...!

Do you use emoticons?
- To some extent :)

The second letter of your first name?
- A

Do you own a calculator?
- Yes

Mercedes or Volvo?
- Potado tomato, but volvo if old, Mercedes if new 

How many times do you wash your teeth in a day?
- One-two

Spruce or pine? 
- Pine

Train or boat?
- Spent way too much time on a train, so boat  

Who/what did you sleep next to last night?
- Our cat (Im at home, in Tornio)

Which season describes you the best and why?
- Winter. Cold and beautiful. Hahaha dunno Winter just seems appropriate. 

Do you have one or many good friends? 
- A couple 

Are you in good terms with your mom?
- Always have been, she's the best

Last who did you speak to?
- Dad

Who was the last person to call you?
- Sis

Favorite color?
- Black, red

Who did you last hang out with (friend)?
- Sady n Mikko

When was the last time you went out? With who?
- I really can't remeber, sorry, must be over a week ago :D

What color are your sheets?
- Red n white (who makes up these questions??)

What was the last thought in your head before you fell asleep last night?
- Ponies. And the anxiety about the shopping today ü

What mood are you in now?
- Quite inspired. Relaxed physically.

Best summer memory? 
- On the road.. In the middle of the night, driving a white van from a gig to the next venue. Everyone's asleep, I'm listening to Uniklubis new album while driving n drinking coffee, still a bit sweaty from the gig. And the sunrise... That moment. I knew ultimate, true, extreme, utter and mad HAPPINESS.

What is the single most important thing in the appearance of the opposite sex?
- HAIR. Can't emphasize it enough.

How many times have you had a crush on someone? 
- Approximately 8

Hug or kiss?
- Depends who's giving it 8-D 

Do you sleep with the lights on? 
- Sometimes; if I'm not with Jussi.

Do you get angry easily? 
- Very, if you know how to push my buttons

Are you the jealous type? 
- Regrettably and definitely yes.

How many siblings do you have?
- One

Are you quiet/shy? 
- Used to be when I was younger but not anymore

Has anyone ever given you compliments about your appearance?
- Well yes

Do you like chocolate?
- Not so much

Do you get bored easily?
- Yes

Do you believe in love?
- Most certainly I do

Do you always believe everything you are told?
- Unfortunately yes

How often do you swear?
- Often

What did you do before this?
- Watched tv

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