Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Arrgghh I'm never EVER going to that "dance instructors" classes again!! I can't understand how is it that it's so freaking hard to count to four?!! And there I was, jumping around 'cause she was just all over the place w/ her counting, and I'm like, whoa, this goes to seven u say?? Sounds pretty basic to me but okay I guess we can do that.. WHAT now we're going to three?! aaagghhh!

But happy happy entry as I promised. I finally found a "fox tail" - thing, that I'd been looking for almost a year now! (Yeah great to have one now that everyone else has theirs, too.. but WE content still!) And a new shirt which was awesome, sophisticated and rockin' at the same time ;( Took a pic and you can also see a glimpse of my latest ink! (I want a new one pretty bad..)

It's the little things that u should be able to be happy about. I am atm whee :3 But not just ab the new things.

Been running around all day, got errands once again and now I'm pretty worn out. AND I ought to get packing - bought also a train ticket today. I'm leaving to Tornevalley tomorrow at noon. Gonna chill w/ my family, rehearse for the gig coming up next week, and I also have a hairdresser appointment. Which I'm scared of, I know she wants to cut my hair ;-; aaggh maybe I'll post a pic after that. But that probably depends on the outcome..

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