This interview probably saved my whole trip back home. Some old granny sitting behind me, kicking my seat constantly, a couple of kids screaming their lungs out: "POO! POO!"... When my nerves started to twitch I escaped in the incredible world of youtube, and came across this. It probably isn't even that funny, but in that situation I just sat there, giggling and trying to do the giggling without a sound. Not that easy.
But if you like Falling In Reverse, or enjoy (black) humor, check this out
Now it's 4 p.m., time for power naps. I'm off to work for the night.. zzz.. Thank god for coffee.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hit the road jack 'cause we're on a highway to hell.. This pic was taken in Mikkeli. Kristian walked by and commented: good thing there's not that many gigs left. Rrriigghht.

Joensuu. Such a nice weather to drive.. 28.1.2012.

Hanging out at backstage

Afterpartay at the hotel corridors, guys looking incredibly smart, haha
"Ei vitsi nyt mulla jäi joku pandoran biisi päähän soimaan"
"Arvaa mikä mulla soi?"
"Ismo Alangon Vittu ku vituttaa"
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Name: Paula
Birthday: 1st of December
1. Latest drink? - Beer
2. Latest phone call? - Mikko the drummer
3. Latest SMS? - Crista
4. Latest song you listened to? - Christina Perri: Arms
5. When was the last time you cried? - Today, out of exhaustion
Have you ever
6. Dated the same person twice? - No
7. Been cheated on? - Not that I know of
8. Kissed someone and regretted doing it afterwards? - Maybe
9. Lost something important? - Of course
10. Been depressed? - Yea
11. Been so drunk you threw up? - Yup
Three favorite colors:
12. Purple
13. Red
14. Black
This year, have you
15. Made a new friend? - Yes
16. Lost an old one? - Don't think so?
17. Laughed so hard you got tears in your eyes? - Yup
18. Met someone who chanced you? - Some ppl have influenced me deeply I could say
19. Realized who your REAL friends are? - To some extent
20. Discovered that someone is talking behind your back? - No
21. Kissed anyone who is the same sex as you? - On the cheek, like a lady!
General information:
22. How many of your Facebook friends knows you in real life? - Most
23. Skipping this one. - O-kaaay?
24. Do you have any pets? - Yes, a tigerr!
25. Would you like your name to be something different? - Nikki/Niki, please.
26. What did you do on your last birthday? - Had a wonderful meal w/ mates, then off to a bar.
27. At what time did you wake up today? - 8 a.m.
28. What did you do at midnight? - Probably toyed w photoshop or something
29. Name one thing you're looking forward to? - Really don't know.. Maybe Mötley Crüe 7.6.2012 @Helsinki
30. When was the last time you saw your mom? - At Christmas
31. One thing you'd like to chance? - The music I currently have to play, or mostly play
32. What are you hearing right now? - Danko Jones: Code of the road
33. Have you ever talked to a person who's called Tommi? - Yes
34. What gets on your nerves right now? - The amount of time I have to sit on a fuckin train tomorrow
35. The website you visit the most? - Facebook, mail, twitter
36. Skipping this - OK??
37. Nicknames? - Pate, Pablo, Pepsa, Paulsson, Paulander, Poola
38. Favorite hobby? - Movies
39. Zodiac sign? - Sagittarius
40. Boy or a girl? - Which do I prefer? A man.
41. Elementary school? - In Tornio
42. Upper secondary school? - In Tornio
43. University? - Tampere university of applied sciences
44. Hair color? - Dark brunette, almost black
45. Tall or short? - Something in between
46. Height? - 170cm
47. Do you have a crush on somebody? - Maybe
48. What things do you like about yourself? - Personality, legs, guts and strength
49. Piercings? On my ears
50. Tattoos? - On my ankle, wrist and lower back, more to come!

51. Left or right handed? - Actually both! I write with my left hand but do everything else w/ the right one
52. Surgery? - Not yet
53. Piercing? - Basic earrings
54. Best friend? - Can't remember
55. Hobby you had? - Drawing & reading
56. Holiday trip? - Somewhere in Finland w my family
57. asdfghjkl - Ok?
58. Shoes? - ??
59. Are you eating? - No
60. Are you drinking? - No
61. I'm about to...: hit the sack
62. A song? - Not right now
63. I look forward to.... - nothing
64. Future: is better
64. Kids? - Not right now
65. Getting married? - Hopefully someday
66. Working? - At Jack The Rooster
Which one?
67. Eyes or lips? - Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses? - Both
69. Taller or shorter? - Taller
70. Younger or older? - Older
71. Romantic or spontaneous? - Spontaneous
72. Nice abs or nice guns? - Guns!
73. Sensitive or loud? - Loud
74. One-night-stand or a relationship? - Relationship
75. Trouble maker or one who hesitates? - Trouble maker
Have you ever
76. Kissed a stranger? - ;)
77. Drank spirits? - Yeeaahh?
78. Let's skip this one. - Allrighty
79. Had sex on the first date? - Nope
80. Broken someones heart? - Maybe :(
81. Has someone ever broken your heart? - Yes
82. Skipping this one. - ...
83. Turn someone down? - Yes
84. Cried when someone died? - I have
85. Fallen in love with a friend? - Head over heels. Didn't end well that one.
Do you believe
86. In your self? - Yes, I'm one of the few people on earth I cant trust 100%

87. In miracles? - In small ones, yes
88. In love at first sight? - Yes
89. In heaven? - Would like to
90. In Santa Claus? - Wtf
91. In a kiss on first date? - What is there to believe in? I think it is plausible
92. In angels? - I believe in Castiel.

Answer truthfully
93. Have you ever had multiple partners at the same time? - Noes
94. Did you sang today? - No, didn't have the energy to be upbeat
95. Skipping.. - YEHH
96. If you could turn back time how far would you go? - I wouldn't
97. If you could undo one day of this year, what would it be? - I wouldn't
98. Skipping. - ...
99. Are these exactly 100 truths about you? - Of course not
100. Do you love yourself? - Yes
Birthday: 1st of December
1. Latest drink? - Beer
2. Latest phone call? - Mikko the drummer
3. Latest SMS? - Crista
4. Latest song you listened to? - Christina Perri: Arms
5. When was the last time you cried? - Today, out of exhaustion
Have you ever
6. Dated the same person twice? - No
7. Been cheated on? - Not that I know of
8. Kissed someone and regretted doing it afterwards? - Maybe
9. Lost something important? - Of course
10. Been depressed? - Yea
11. Been so drunk you threw up? - Yup
Three favorite colors:
12. Purple
13. Red
14. Black
This year, have you
15. Made a new friend? - Yes
16. Lost an old one? - Don't think so?
17. Laughed so hard you got tears in your eyes? - Yup
18. Met someone who chanced you? - Some ppl have influenced me deeply I could say
19. Realized who your REAL friends are? - To some extent
20. Discovered that someone is talking behind your back? - No
21. Kissed anyone who is the same sex as you? - On the cheek, like a lady!
General information:
22. How many of your Facebook friends knows you in real life? - Most
23. Skipping this one. - O-kaaay?
24. Do you have any pets? - Yes, a tigerr!
25. Would you like your name to be something different? - Nikki/Niki, please.
26. What did you do on your last birthday? - Had a wonderful meal w/ mates, then off to a bar.
27. At what time did you wake up today? - 8 a.m.
28. What did you do at midnight? - Probably toyed w photoshop or something
29. Name one thing you're looking forward to? - Really don't know.. Maybe Mötley Crüe 7.6.2012 @Helsinki
30. When was the last time you saw your mom? - At Christmas
31. One thing you'd like to chance? - The music I currently have to play, or mostly play
32. What are you hearing right now? - Danko Jones: Code of the road
33. Have you ever talked to a person who's called Tommi? - Yes
34. What gets on your nerves right now? - The amount of time I have to sit on a fuckin train tomorrow
35. The website you visit the most? - Facebook, mail, twitter
36. Skipping this - OK??
37. Nicknames? - Pate, Pablo, Pepsa, Paulsson, Paulander, Poola
38. Favorite hobby? - Movies
39. Zodiac sign? - Sagittarius
40. Boy or a girl? - Which do I prefer? A man.
41. Elementary school? - In Tornio
42. Upper secondary school? - In Tornio
43. University? - Tampere university of applied sciences
44. Hair color? - Dark brunette, almost black
45. Tall or short? - Something in between
46. Height? - 170cm
47. Do you have a crush on somebody? - Maybe
48. What things do you like about yourself? - Personality, legs, guts and strength
49. Piercings? On my ears
50. Tattoos? - On my ankle, wrist and lower back, more to come!

51. Left or right handed? - Actually both! I write with my left hand but do everything else w/ the right one
52. Surgery? - Not yet
53. Piercing? - Basic earrings
54. Best friend? - Can't remember
55. Hobby you had? - Drawing & reading
56. Holiday trip? - Somewhere in Finland w my family
57. asdfghjkl - Ok?
58. Shoes? - ??
59. Are you eating? - No
60. Are you drinking? - No
61. I'm about to...: hit the sack
62. A song? - Not right now
63. I look forward to.... - nothing
64. Future: is better
64. Kids? - Not right now
65. Getting married? - Hopefully someday
66. Working? - At Jack The Rooster
Which one?
67. Eyes or lips? - Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses? - Both
69. Taller or shorter? - Taller
70. Younger or older? - Older
71. Romantic or spontaneous? - Spontaneous
72. Nice abs or nice guns? - Guns!
73. Sensitive or loud? - Loud
74. One-night-stand or a relationship? - Relationship
75. Trouble maker or one who hesitates? - Trouble maker
Have you ever
76. Kissed a stranger? - ;)
77. Drank spirits? - Yeeaahh?
78. Let's skip this one. - Allrighty
79. Had sex on the first date? - Nope
80. Broken someones heart? - Maybe :(
81. Has someone ever broken your heart? - Yes
82. Skipping this one. - ...
83. Turn someone down? - Yes
84. Cried when someone died? - I have
85. Fallen in love with a friend? - Head over heels. Didn't end well that one.
Do you believe
86. In your self? - Yes, I'm one of the few people on earth I cant trust 100%

87. In miracles? - In small ones, yes
88. In love at first sight? - Yes
89. In heaven? - Would like to
90. In Santa Claus? - Wtf
91. In a kiss on first date? - What is there to believe in? I think it is plausible
92. In angels? - I believe in Castiel.

Answer truthfully
93. Have you ever had multiple partners at the same time? - Noes
94. Did you sang today? - No, didn't have the energy to be upbeat
95. Skipping.. - YEHH
96. If you could turn back time how far would you go? - I wouldn't
97. If you could undo one day of this year, what would it be? - I wouldn't
98. Skipping. - ...
99. Are these exactly 100 truths about you? - Of course not
100. Do you love yourself? - Yes
I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
The world is coming down on me and I can't find a reason to be loved.
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
The world is coming down on me and I can't find a reason to be loved.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
"Ladies who love rock 'rollers- go to the trenches with your love for his art. Jump at his shows, carry his cases, let him have his space when he's writing, be faithful while he's away. Your patience can help create classics. Bless you ♥"
Yeah, there you have it, LADIES.
Yeah, there you have it, LADIES.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Mietiskelen tässä. Semmosia juttuja mm. kuin että voiko vitutukseen kuolla, siis onkohan se fyysisesti mahollista? Ja missä menee vitutuksen ja puhtaan vihan raja?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Been super busy with everything that's going on, school, work, gigs and social life (if there's anything left of it after these 4 months..) Tired. Have to go to work tomorrow, yay, but that's a night shift, so I get no sleep since on Friday-morning we have a visit to a hotel, some lecture there at 9 a.m. And I'm not a morning person. After school I head out to Kotka, where we have a gig. So second night, no sleep. Sunday, have to travel back to Tre, and work a night shift. After that is Monday and school again. SIGH¨
Found new shoes! The other ones that I bought recently broke down :( Crap.
Winter shoes for 2012. Too bad you cant see how high they are! They're awesome..
Now I have to check out some new songs we will be playing w/ Kristian Meurman this weekend. Gladly, there's also some songs I am not disgusted to play, like Danko Jones <3 But first, a nap.
Found new shoes! The other ones that I bought recently broke down :( Crap.
Winter shoes for 2012. Too bad you cant see how high they are! They're awesome..

Now I have to check out some new songs we will be playing w/ Kristian Meurman this weekend. Gladly, there's also some songs I am not disgusted to play, like Danko Jones <3 But first, a nap.
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